Oak Beauty (Biston strataria)

Male. Taken at Aston, Oxon, on March 11th 2022.
(1/640th sec at f11. © David Hastings)


Family: Geometridae

Wing span: 34 - 54mm

This moth is unmistakable in early spring. The two broad brown bands across the forewing are diagnostic. The ground colour varies from white to greenish-grey. The male has feathered antennae.

It is widespread and common in England and Wales, and local in Scotland are Ireland.

It is most numerous in mature oak woodland, but also occurs in other types of woodland, scrub and gardens.

There is one generation per year, from late February to April. It over-winters as a pupa underground.

Larvae feed on oaks, Hazel, Aspen, Alder, elms, sallows, and other broad-leaved trees.

The male comes readily to light, but the female does so only occasionally.


04-Feb-2024 : Aston, Oxon (1)

17-Mar-2023 : Aston, Oxon (1m)

11-Mar-2022 : Aston, Oxon (1m)