Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)

Taken at Aston, Oxon., on June 30th 2024.
(1/200th sec at f11. © David Hastings)


Family: Sphingidae

Wing span: 56 - 66mm

This moth is unmistakable. The forewing is pink and olive-green, and the hindwing is pink and black. The sexes are similar.

Is it found in most of the British Isles.

Typical habitats include rough grassland, hedges, ditches, gardens, woodland rides, heathland and sand-dunes.

It over-winters as a pupa in a flimsy cocoon among plant debris. Adults are on the wing from May to early August (sometimes later).

Larvae feed on Rosebay Willowherb, Great Willowherb and other willowherbs and bedstraws. They will also feed on fuchsias and Himalayan Balsam.

It flies from dusk, feeding on tubular flowers such as Honeysuckle. Comes to light.


30-Jun-2024 : Aston, Oxon (1)

30-Jul-2023 : Aston, Oxon (1)
19-Jul-2023 : Aston, Oxon (1)
01-Jul-2023 : Shilton, Oxon (4)

17-Jul-2022 : Aston, Oxon (1)
07-Jun-2022 : Aston, Oxon (2)

04-Jul-2021 : Abingdon, Oxon (1)
10-Jun-2021 : Abingdon, Oxon (1)

28-Jun-2009 : Warburg Reserve, Oxon (1)