Woodland Grayling (Hipparchia fagi)

Taken in the Vercors Natural Park, France, on July 23rd 2018.
(1/80th sec at f11. © David Hastings)


Family: Satyrinae

Wing span: 66 - 76mm

This species closely resembles the Rock Grayling and Eastern Rock Grayling. Identification can only be confirmed by examination of the genitalia.

It is widespread but local in S Europe, sporadic in E Europe and commonest in the Balkans.

It is found in light woodland and scrubby clearings, usually below 1000m.

There is one generation per year between June and September.

The larvae feed on various grasses.


23-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France
21-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France

11-Jun-2017 : Velebits National Park, Croatia

23-Jul-2015 : Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria